What is Tummy Tuck Surgery?

SEPTEMBER 24, 2024
What is tummy tuck surgery

It is the process of tightening the abdominal muscles by removing excess fat and skin tissues in the abdominal area. A flatter and tighter abdomen is obtained after surgery. It is known as tummy tuck aesthetics.

Sagging in the abdominal area may occur due to factors such as pregnancy, aging and body type. It is ideal for those who have excess fat in the belly area and those who have sagging skin appearance that does not go away despite exercise and sports.

Tummy tuck, whose medical name is “abdominoplasty”, gives the person a firmer, younger and flatter abdominal appearance. It is preferred by patients who dream of a fit and ideal appearance.

Types of Tummy Tuck Surgery

Tummy tuck surgery is divided into two according to the area it targets:

Full Abdominoplasty

It targets the upper and lower part of the abdomen. Tension is achieved in the entire abdominal area. Since the procedure is performed around the belly button, the position of the belly button is redetermined.

Mini Abdominoplasty

Mini tummy tuck surgery only targets sagging in the lower abdomen. The position of the belly button is not intervened. It is ideal for people with mild skin laxity.

How is tummy tuck surgery performed

How is Tummy Tuck Surgery Performed?

Patients who are considering tummy tuck aesthetics may consider having surgery after dropping to the ideal weight with exercise and diet. Fat tissues that do not pass and settled in the abdominal area despite nutrition and sports are removed with tummy tuck surgery. Excess skin is removed and the procedure is completed by tightening the loosened abdominal muscles.

Those who want to have Tummy Tuck Surgery should agree with an experienced plastic surgeon in the first stage. While patients clearly express their expectations, doctors should evaluate the patient's wishes with a realistic eye.

Before Surgery: After deciding on the surgery, the general health status of the patient should be evaluated. In the tummy tuck procedure performed under general anesthesia, the doctor's instructions should be followed carefully.

Moment of Surgery: During the surgical procedure, a thin incision is made along the groin area. This line, which follows the bikini line, is positioned so that it will not be visible when healed. If a full abdominoplasty is preferred, an incision is also made around the belly button.

Excess tissues, skin and fat are removed through incisions. The abdominal wall is strengthened by stitching together the abdominal muscles that have weakened over time. The procedure is completed by stretching the excess and sagging skin before the incisions are sutured. If the abdominoplasty procedure targets the entire abdomen, the belly button is relocated.

After Surgery: Patients usually stay in the hospital for 1 night. Mild pain and swelling are normal in the first days after surgery. The process can be easily managed with painkillers that the doctor deems appropriate.

After tummy tuck surgery, care should be taken and heavy exercise and activities should be avoided. Medications and creams prescribed by the doctor should be used regularly and doctor controls should not be interrupted.

Types of tummy tuck surgery

How Long Does Tummy Tuck Surgery Take?

The duration of tummy tuck surgery varies according to its type. Full tummy tuck, mini tummy tuck and combined procedures differ from each other in terms of duration as they involve different procedures.

Mini Tummy Tuck Surgery

Tummy tuck surgery takes an average of 2 hours. The procedure performed in a limited area is completed in a short time.

Whole Tummy Tuck Surgery

The entire tummy tuck procedure, which targets both the upper and lower part of the abdomen, can take 2-4 hours. The operation time is slightly longer than the mini tummy tuck procedure. One of the reasons for this is the repositioning of the belly button.

Combined Operations

Tummy tuck surgery can be performed at the same time with some other operations. The most preferred one is liposuction. Breast uplift, breast reduction and breast implant can also be preferred with tummy tuck surgery. The operation time may be prolonged accordingly.

If you are wondering which surgery is suitable for you and cannot decide, you can find answers to your questions by contacting the Clinic Evoy team. Fill out the contact form below to meet Clinic Evoy's experienced surgeons and the best tummy tuck doctor in Turkey, make an appointment and find answers to your questions; take the first step for a brand new look! Find instant answers to all your questions about tummy tuck surgery in Turkey.

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