FUE Hair Transplant
In Turkey

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FUE Hair Transplant
Hair is one of the most important elements of beauty that affects the appearance. Hair that weakens over time can fall out due to various reasons. Some of these factors are stress, genetic factors, unhealthy eating habits, vitamin deficiencies, and hormonal factors. Today, it is possible to get rid of the problem of hair loss permanently. Aesthetic technologies enable the widespread use of many hair transplantation techniques. FUE hair transplantation is a reliable method that has been used since 2004. With the FUE hair technique, men and women over the age of 18 and experiencing hair loss can regain their desired appearance.

- The first stage of FUE hair transplantation begins with the determination of the hairline. This step is important to give the hair a natural look. The hairline should not be too forward or behind. Areas with sparse hair and hair loss are also determined at this stage.
- The second stage of the FUE technique is shaving the donor area. Shaving the hair facilitates the collection of hair follicles.
- In the third stage, the donor area is anesthetized with local anesthesia and the procedure begins. At this stage, hair follicles are harvested one by one using a micromotor. The harvested follicles are preserved in special solutions to preserve their vitality. This process takes about 2 hours.
- The fourth stage is the channel opening stage. Channels are opened for planting by steel-tipped tools. Opening the channels at the appropriate width and depth is important for the hair follicles to adhere to the skin.
- In the fifth and final stage, the harvested hair follicles are planted in the holes. At this stage, it is important to place the follicules according to the growth angle of the hair. After all these stages, hair transplantation is completed in about 6-7 hours.
After the operation, the views and recommendations of the physician should be taken into account. Paying attention to the recommendations both facilitates and shortens the healing process. After the hair transplantation process is completed, the operation area is dressed and if necessary, it is covered with a bandage. The area, which is left closed with a dressing for a few days, is opened at regular intervals if necessary, and the dressing is renewed.
The operation area should not come into contact with water for the first two weeks after the procedure. It is recommended to stay away from areas that may irritate the treatment area such as Turkish bath, sauna and solarium. It is not recommended to enter the sea or the pool during this period.
Medications, creams or shampoos approved by the physician for post-operative use should be used regularly. It is recommended to drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol and smoking.
The transplanted hair grows back after the sudden shedding phase called “shock shedding”. The growth period of the hair that starts to grow back in the 3rd month may extend up to 1 year. During the healing process, it is necessary to go to monthly examinations and manage the process together with the physician.
At the end of the first year, treatment can be supported with shampoo and hair care products to prevent hair loss. In addition, procedures that nourish the scalp from the inside, such as hair mesotherapy, can also be applied under the control of a physician.
FUE hair transplantation is one of the commonly used hair transplantation techniques. The FUE method has been used since 2004 and continues its development thanks to new technologies. With the production of the needle tips used from different materials, the materials and techniques used in the FUE method have also developed. The needle heads used in the FUE method allow opening very thin channels. By means of these small channels, hair follicles can be firmly attached to the skin.
In the FUE technique, the donor area is the nape. This region is preferred because it is genetically unsuitable for shedding. In this way, permanent and precise results can be obtained. The procedure is also advantageous as it does not require a surgical incision. The healing process is quick and easy. Since local anesthesia is used in the FUE method, the procedure can be completed without feeling any pain. One session is sufficient for the application of this technique, which is recommended for every woman and man over the age of 18.
FUE hair transplantation prices vary according to the number of grafts planted. As the area to be planted expands, the price also changes. In addition, the equipment, materials and anesthesia methods used can also affect the prices. The physician and the team that will perform the FUE hair transplant procedure may affect the prices. Hair transplantation should be performed by experts. Clinic Evoy physicians are experts and experienced in their field. You can fill out the contact form to get more information about FUE hair transplantation and to have hair transplantation with the assurance of Clinic Evoy.
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