Dental Veneers
In Turkey

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Dental Veneer
Laminate veneers are thin-layered porcelains placed on the front surfaces of the teeth. It is also known as leaf porcelain. It is applied to correct aesthetic disorders caused by deformations such as cracking and breaking in the teeth. In addition, it can be used to eliminate the appearance of split teeth, correct deformities, and for patients who cannot have teeth whitening.
Before the laminate veneer is applied, the mouth and teeth should be examined in detail. If there is a problem affecting oral health, it should be treated before veneering. After the necessary procedures are completed, laminate veneer can be applied. After the measurement of the teeth, the veneering process begins. People who will have laminated veneer decide on the color and shape of the laminate. After the veneers are produced, they can be placed on the tooth surface. The treatment process can be completed in 2-3 sessions within 1 week.
A laminate veneer is suitable for:
- Those who have broken tooth, crack, or deformity in their teeth due to trauma
- Patients who did not get positive results from the whitening treatment
- Those who want to fix crooked teeth
- People who want to have a more aesthetic smile and white teeth
Laminate veneer is preferred because it is an easier process than other coating types. Laminate veneer can be applied immediately if there is no other discomfort that negatively affects oral health and needs to be treated. Laminate veneer process ends in a short time like 1 week. It is recommended by dentists due to the short treatment period.
Natural teeth change color over time. Even with regular personal care, factors such as coffee and cigarettes can cause yellowing. Since laminated coatings do not change color, they are suitable for people who frequently consume coffee, tea and cigarettes.
Laminate veneers are durable porcelains. They do not break or crack. Natural teeth are also difficult to damage, but they can be deformed. After having a laminate veneer, it is necessary to abandon habits that are harmful to natural teeth. Giving up behaviors such as grinding teeth, biting hard objects, biting pencils, or biting nails will be helpful.
Laminate veneers care should be the same as the care for natural teeth. Daily brushing habits should be followed and dental floss should be used.
If daily maintenance is done regularly, veneers can be used for a lifetime. During the treatment, the doctor’s controls should not be neglected and the warnings of the dentist should be taken into account.
Laminate veneer prices vary according to the material to be used and the number of treated teeth. The prices of the anterior teeth may differ from the veneer fees of the posterior teeth. After the examination, more detailed information about the price and treatment process can be obtained from the specialist physician. Laminate veneer is one of the most frequently applied dental veneers in Turkey. For more information, you can fill out the form in the contact section.
Turkey is one of the most preferred countries in the field of health tourism. Turkey, which is heavily preferred for aesthetic surgeries, provides advantages for patients in many ways. The low quality of public hospitals and the very expensive private hospitals in many countries are among the most important reasons why people from all over the world prefer Turkey for plastic surgery.
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- Level of success and experience of surgeons
- Affordable treatment costs
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- Accommodation, meals, and other facilities.