What is the best treatment for loose teeth?

SEPTEMBER 20, 2024
What should you do for loose teeth?

Loose teeth are a threat to oral health and can cause problems that can lead to tooth loss. While a loose tooth is a harbinger of a healthy new tooth in childhood, it is frightening to experience this condition in adulthood. Gum diseases, decayed teeth, trauma or impacts, bone resorption and tooth clenching lie at the root of the problem of loose teeth in adulthood. What is the best treatment for this problem that can lead to tooth loss? Here are some alternative treatments...

Treatments for Loosening Teeth

Loose teeth threaten oral health and can cause problems up to tooth loss. Common causes such as trauma, gum problems, inadequate oral care, teeth grinding and clenching often lead to loose teeth. Consulting a doctor before tooth loss is the first step towards treatment. Non-surgical and surgical treatments for loose teeth are available. The reason why the patient has a loose tooth problem directly affects the treatment method.

Periodontal Treatment Methods

Inflammation and infection of the gums can occur due to gum disease. Loosening of the tooth occurs due to weakened support tissues.

Tartar Cleaning

Calculus can form on teeth due to inadequate oral care or genetic predisposition. Tartar can also cause gum diseases and indirectly cause loose teeth. Regular oral care and periodic cleaning of tartar can solve the problem of loose teeth.

Deep Cleaning

Lack of oral care can lead to problems such as gingivitis or infection. During a deep cleaning, the infection that causes the gums to recede is removed. Once the inflammation is gone, the gums will heal and tighten around the loose teeth.

Surgical Treatment Methods

The loose tooth becomes loose due to infected tissues. In some cases, tooth loss may occur. Implant and prosthetic treatments may be preferred to regenerate the support tissues of the teeth or to restore lost teeth.

Bone Graft

Weakened roots cause the tooth to wobble. Artificial or natural bone is added to the tissues around the weak tooth root. In this way, the tooth is strengthened and the loose teeth are stabilized.

Flap Surgery

It is performed to remove tartar accumulated in the deep pockets of the gums. The gums are removed by incision and the problematic tissues are thoroughly cleaned. In this way, loose teeth can be corrected.

What are some treatments for adult loose teeth?

Implant Treatment Methods

Implants are made by placing artificial roots and teeth in place of teeth that loosen and fall out for various reasons. Dental implants that mimic the functions and aesthetic appearance of natural teeth make life easier.

Single Tooth Implant

A single tooth implant can be performed when a single tooth loosens and falls out due to various reasons. The process begins by placing the screws, which serve as the tooth root, into the jaw. A dental crown (prosthesis) is attached to the area where the tooth enamel is located. The cavity is filled without damaging the tissues around the treated tooth.

Multiple Tooth Implant

If more than one tooth has been lost, more than one implant tooth is placed to replace the missing teeth. Bridge applications can be applied for this purpose. By creating a dental string, a large area can be filled with fewer implants.

If you cannot choose which method you prefer for the treatment of loose teeth, you can make an appointment with our dentists by contacting Clinic Evoy's expert team immediately.

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