What Is A Dental Crown?

SEPTEMBER 06, 2024
What is dental crown

Dental crowns are known as crown veneers and crown prosthesis. Crowns are applied on the enamel of teeth that have been deformed, damaged and decayed for various reasons. Crowns, which serve to restore the function of teeth that have lost their function, also give teeth that have lost their aesthetics a brand new look.

Aesthetically and functionally, crowns can be applied to all teeth in the mouth. Whether the teeth are healthy and whether they cause problems to the patient in terms of appearance are the points to be considered before having a dental crown.

Why do people get dental crowns?

Crown prosthesis veneers are used in the treatment of teeth that have decayed, deformed and lost their durability over time and for various reasons; teeth that create aesthetic and functional problems for the patient. In addition to its main function, crowns can be crowned for many reasons or can be preferred in mixed treatments with other procedures.

  • Protecting Damaged Teeth: Weakened, worn, broken or decayed teeth can create problems for the patient in terms of aesthetic appearance. With the crown application targeting the tooth enamel, the patient can have the smile they dream of with a crown close to their natural teeth. The fact that the appearance can be improved at the same time as the damaged teeth are treated is among the advantages of dental crowns.
  • Tooth Strengthening after Root Canal Treatment: Teeth may become weak after root canal treatment. In order to strengthen the teeth and make them long-lasting, crowns can be preferred for protection.
  • Treatment of Worn Teeth as a Result of Teeth Clenching/Tooth Grinding: People who clench their teeth at night or constantly grind their teeth wear down their teeth over time. Crowns can be a suitable treatment to strengthen the teeth where wear occurs.
  • Reconstruction of Teeth for Aesthetic Purposes: Although there is no functional problem in their teeth, the number of patients who prefer crowns for a better looking smile cannot be underestimated. If there are teeth that need to be corrected in terms of shape, color or size, they are usually treated with porcelain veneers, ceramic veneers or zirconium veneers.

How is crown treatment performed?

Crown treatment, which is applied to restore damaged teeth, is completed with a procedure consisting of several stages:

  • Preparation: The patient meets and is examined by the doctor of his/her choice. Expectations and problems are discussed mutually. At the end of the questions directed to the patient, the most appropriate treatment method for the patient is decided and the treatment is started. In order to start crown treatment, a part of the tooth is reduced. Decayed and damaged parts, if any, are cleaned.
  • Formation: After the tooth is reduced, a mold of the mouth and teeth is taken. Veneers are shaped with reference to this mold. Temporary plastic/acrylic veneers are placed in the mouth until permanent dentures are prepared.
  • Conclusion: Permanent crowns are prepared according to the patient's tooth shape and color and placed permanently in the mouth within 1-2 weeks. The fit to the jaw and mouth is checked and rearranged if necessary. In the final stage, the patient is informed about how to care for the mouth and the crowns. If the doctor's instructions are followed, the veneers can be used for many years.

How Long Does Dental Crown Treatment Take?

The duration of the dental crown treatment may vary from patient to patient and many other factors. Factors such as the procedure applied by the physician, the patient's oral health condition, the condition of the tooth / teeth to be treated, how many teeth will be treated affect the duration. The first examination takes a few hours and the treatment plan is created. After the patient's mouth and teeth mold is taken, it takes 1 or 2 weeks to prepare the permanent veneers. The placement of the veneer in the mouth takes a short period of 30 minutes to 1 hour.

The treatment of most patients is completed within 2-3 weeks. In cases requiring pre-treatment, this may take longer. If you want to have a dental crown and need clear answers about how long the treatment will take, you can contact us by filling out the contact form below. As Clinic Evoy, we are happy to answer your questions with Turkey's leading dentists.

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