Tummy tuck surgery recovery time

SEPTEMBER 30, 2024
tummy tuck surgery recovery period

What To Expect With Tummy Tuck Recovery?

The process of recovery and return to daily life after tummy tuck surgery takes place in a short time with meticulous and regular care. In this process, following the doctor's instructions to the letter both facilitates the process and shortens the recovery period.

Those who want to get tummy tuck surgery wonder how soon they can return to daily life and what kind of recovery process awaits them. Here is the postoperative process in detail...

First 24 hours after tummy tuck surgery

The first day after tummy tuck surgery is spent resting in the hospital. The patient is closely monitored by doctors and healthcare teams. The aches and pains that occur during this period are normal. Control is provided with painkillers and serums deemed appropriate by the doctor.

After the operation targeting the abdomen and the large area around it, a drain is inserted. The purpose of this is to ensure that the excess fluid in the operation area is removed. Drains are removed after a few days.

Since the patient's mobility will be limited, a relative is required to support the patient throughout the hospitalization. There should be someone to support the patient while using the toilet, walking the patient to help blood circulation and eating.

how long is tummy tuck recovery

First week after tummy tuck surgery

It is also important to have information about the weeks after surgery in order to facilitate the healing process after tummy tuck. In this time period, which progresses differently in everyone, the right care is valuable in terms of getting through the process easily.

After a few days in the hospital, the patient is discharged and sent home. The patient should take care of himself/herself or get help from a relative. The incisions around the abdomen should be cleaned and wound care should be done with creams and ointments.

In the first weeks after tummy tuck surgery, movements such as heavy lifting and squatting should be avoided. After tummy tuck surgery, activities that will not put too much pressure on the abdomen such as driving, going to work, cooking can be done.

If you are working in a job that requires physical activity, you should take at least 1 month off. Physical activities and heavy exercises should be avoided during this period.

First few months after tummy tuck surgery

The healing process and return to normal life takes 1-1.5 months on average. At the end of this process, you can start to return to daily life activities. Physical activities that do not strain the abdominal muscles should be performed. The movement required by the body can be met by doing light exercises.

A period of 3-6 months is required to fully observe the results of tummy tuck surgery. Edema and swelling after tummy tuck surgery disappear within this period and scars begin to fade.

In the first year after tummy tuck surgery, doctor controls should be performed regularly. Doctor checks can be performed at intervals of 1, 3, 6 months and at the end of the first year. This process may vary from patient to patient.

The recovery process of tummy tuck surgery varies from patient to patient. Many factors such as the patient's lifestyle, general health status, habits and post-abdominoplasty care and controls directly affect the process.

tummy tuck recovery timeline

How long do you need to rest after a tummy tuck?

Although it varies from person to person, you can return to your work life after 2 weeks if you are not working in a physical job. Full recovery will again take longer. However, it will take more than 1 month to return to your daily life completely. 

How painful is tummy tuck recovery?

The first few days after tummy tuck surgery take up a very important place in your recovery process. In this process, you may have a pain that we can call moderate. However, this pain is minimized with various painkillers. With our Clinic Evoy patient follow-up system, all the necessary support is provided for you to get through this process quite easily. Your controls are carried out regularly and treatment is applied according to the pain condition.

How long does it take for your stomach to look normal after a tummy tuck?

Postoperative swelling may take several weeks to heal. A period of six weeks is needed to get fully visible results of tummy tuck surgery. However, there are many factors that affect this period. The issues that your doctor tells you to pay attention to during the healing process are at the top of these. Therefore, the healing process varies from patient to patient.

Doctor follow-up after the surgery is also very important. Clinic Evoy, working with the best tummy tuck surgeons in Turkey, takes care of its patients both during and after the surgery. You can achieve the image of your dreams by experiencing this unique health experience offered by Clinic Evoy with advantageous prices. Contact us immediately by filling out the contact form below!

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