Are Tummy Tuck Results Permanent?

SEPTEMBER 27, 2024
Are tummy tuck surgery permanent

How Long Will the Results of My Tummy Tuck Last?

Tummy tuck, also known as tummy tuck or abdominoplasty, is based on removing excess fat and skin from the abdominal area and strengthening the muscles. How permanent is this surgical procedure? Is it permanent? The answer to these questions depends on postoperative care and lifestyle.

Factors Affecting the Permanence of Tummy Tuck Surgery

Many factors such as the age of the patient, genetic factors, general health status, postoperative care and lifestyle affect the permanent effect after surgery.

Patient Age

The permanence of tummy tuck surgery may vary depending on the age effect. As we age, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes loose. Wrinkles may occur on the skin that loses moisture. Permanence due to age factor varies from person to person.

Genetic Factors

Genetic factors are a personal matter, as is the patient's age. Depending on the skin condition of the person, the permanence obtained from the surgery increases. Even if the long-term results can sometimes not be controlled, the permanence of the surgery can be increased with the right care.

is a tummy tuck permanent

General Health Status

The general health status of those who undergo tummy tuck aesthetics directly affects the long-term results. Maintaining good general health includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, avoiding harmful habits and drinking plenty of fluids. In particular, smoking, drinking and a sedentary lifestyle prevent the preservation of the results obtained from tummy tuck surgery.

Postoperative Care

After tummy tuck surgery, the surgeon's recommendations should be followed. It is useful to be careful at some points when returning to daily life, especially wound care. Avoiding heavy exercise, lifting objects and paying attention to the diet will facilitate healing and provide permanent and satisfactory results from the surgery.

Maintaining Weight and Posture

Gaining or losing excess weight after surgery may negatively affect the results. Weight should be maintained after surgery; a diet program should be followed accordingly. Good posture is also necessary to maintain the results of the surgery. Care should be taken to stand upright and maintain posture. Abdominoplasty exercises should be practiced if recommended by the doctor. The lasting results after tummy tuck surgery depend on the care and diligence of the patient. With proper and careful care, it is possible to live with a young and firm body for many years. If you dream of a flatter tummy and want to achieve permanent results, you can contact the experienced staff of Clinic Evoy.

Clinic Evoy offers a unique health experience with the best tummy tuck surgeons and expert staff in Turkey and advantageous prices. You can contact us by filling out the contact form below to start this journey with Clinic Evoy!

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