Are there alternatives to dental veneers?

SEPTEMBER 20, 2024
Alternative to dental veneers

What are the Alternative Treatments to Dental Veneers?

Dental crown surrounds the damaged tooth, restoring lost function and aesthetic appearance. Dental crowns can be chosen for a single tooth or multiple teeth.

Patients who do research before getting a new look are curious about alternative treatments that provide a functional and aesthetically good appearance as well as crowns.

When evaluating treatment options, many factors such as preserving the natural tooth structure, aesthetic appearance, meeting functional needs, length of the treatment process and cost can be taken into consideration.

Best alternatives to dental veneers for teeth

Laminated Veneer (Porcelain Laminated)

An aesthetic appearance is achieved thanks to thin porcelain layers applied only on the front surface of the teeth. It is especially preferred by patients who want to be treated for an aesthetic smile. The layers used in laminated veneers are bonded to the tooth surface. During bonding, the natural tooth structure is largely preserved. A more natural appearance can be achieved without much abrasion on natural teeth.

Laminated veneers, which are an alternative treatment to dental veneers, can be preferred on a single tooth or on all teeth. Porcelain veneers provide aesthetic and natural smiles with their transparency and color options. Laminated veneers can be less costly than crowns. Prices may vary depending on the dentist, treatment method and material quality.

Dental Fillings

Another method that can be preferred for repairing damaged teeth and aesthetic solutions is dental filling treatment. Only the damaged area is intervened and most of the natural tooth is preserved.

It can be used to treat minor decay and fractures that affect aesthetic appearance and function. It may be insufficient for major damage. Dental fillings are economical as it requires little material and little labor.

The filling technique is usually a one-session procedure. Treatment time may vary depending on the condition of the teeth and the technique used. Dental fillings last for 5-10 years. The procedure can be repeated if needed. It is a suitable technique for minor repairs.

Inlay & Onlay Filling

It can be applied to teeth that are damaged and negatively affect functions such as chewing and speaking or create an aesthetically undesirable appearance. It is specially designed for the tooth structure. It can be applied as interim treatments that can replace dental veneers or large filling treatments.

Inlay filling application is applied to fill the cavity, pit or decayed parts of the teeth on the chewing surface. It is placed in the interdental area between the crest protrusions surrounding the tooth.

The durable filling material prepared from materials such as porcelain, gold and resin is resistant thanks to its durable structure. It offers long-lasting use and provides an aesthetic appearance.

Onlay filling process also covers the top protrusions of the teeth. It is applied to repair a larger part of the tooth. It is specially designed for the patient's mouth and placed on the tooth. Since it does not require much abrasion, the natural tooth is largely preserved. It is a treatment similar to a dental crown. It aims to strengthen tooth tissues and offers an aesthetic and functional solution.

Dental Implants

Dental implants can be applied after the extraction of severely damaged teeth that cannot be saved. In addition, it is preferred to replace teeth that have fallen out for various reasons.

Artificial tooth roots are obtained from biocompatible materials. Zirconium and titanium are usually used. Dental implant screws are placed into the jawbone and a surgical procedure is performed. The implants are expected to fuse to the bone. The procedure is then finalized by inserting dental prostheses.

Implant treatment involves a relatively longer treatment procedure. The procedure is completed between 6 months and 1 year. How many teeth will be treated can affect the process. The treatment process can be facilitated with proper care and regular check-ups.

Dental implant treatment is suitable for those looking for permanent and long-lasting treatment. It can be used in patients who want to have stronger teeth and a good appearance after tooth loss.

Many alternative treatments to dental veneers can be applied by dentists. The treatment plan, which is determined by taking into account the expectations and needs of the patient, is created by dentists. If you are wondering which is the best dental implant and which is the most suitable dental crown for you, Clinic Evoy is here to answer your questions!

Clinic Evoy offers a unique healthcare experience with its experienced dentists and specialized medical staff, as well as high-tech medical equipment and innovative solutions. For more information, you can contact us by filling out the contact form below.

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